Affiliate Program Application

Are you interested in working with Shop Sable? I can’t wait to get to know you!

Eligibility Requirements

  • Must be based in the USA.

  • Must have at least 4k followers on at least one social media platform.

  • Must have public social media accounts.

  • Must be able to complete agreed upon terms.

What does the Affiliate Program entail?

As a small one woman operation, I know all too well that success takes a village. The Affiliate Program is my way of connecting with creators & other small businesses with the goal of mutual growth! Accepted Affiliates will be asked to agree to the following terms.

  • Affiliates will receive an introductory PR package. The frequency of packages will be assessed at the three month mark or when agreed upon content is completed & adjusted accordingly. This package will include surprise items as well as items that have been requested by the Affiliate.

  • Affiliates may be required to sign a contract to ensure both parties expectations are met.

  • Affiliates will come to an agreement with Shop Sable in regard to expected quantity of content to be provided.

  • Affiliate must allow Shop Sable usage rights to all applicable images & videos.

  • Shop Sable will provide Affiliate with a unique discount code to be shared. Affiliate will receive an agreed upon percentage of all sales using this unique discount code. Payouts will be sent monthly.